Speaking engagements
John is a frequent speaker on the topics of Big Data, analytics and marketing. If you're interested in having John speak at your company or event, please drop a line.
You can follow him on Twitter at @john4man and watch some of his archived talks here. He also talks about Disney World, privacy and lack thereof on this podcast from GigaOm. All talks listed below open to the general public unless otherwise noted.
Past events
- Atlanta CDO Executive Summit (Atlanta, GA)
- Private corporate event. Booj Big Data Conference (Denver, Colorado)
- Web Summit (Dublin, Ireland)
- Predictive Analytics World (Boston, MA)
- Litmus Design Conference (Boston, MA)
- Town Hall (Seattle, WA)
- Inbox Awesome (Brooklyn, NY)
- Gurus of Business Intelligence (Oslo, Norway)
- Data Edge (UC Berkeley)
- The Cloud Factory (Banff, Canada)
- SXSW Interactive (Austin, TX)
- Strata (Santa Clara, CA)
- NWA TechFest (Fayetteville, AK)
- DataBeat (Redwood City, CA)
- Data Driven NYC (New York, NY)
- Strata (New York, NY)
- ONA13 (Atlanta, GA)
- Data Science Meetup (Atlanta, GA)
- INFORMS (Minneapolis, MN)
- Infopresse (Montreal, Canada)
- Data Skeptics (New York, NY)
- Big Data Innovation Summit (Boston, MA)
- Structure Europe (London, England)
- Bright Talk Webinar: All About the User Experience: Data Science at MailChimp
- Big Data Innovation Summit (Toronto, Canada)
- Big Data Week Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
- Predictive Analytics World (San Francisco, CA)
- Strata (Santa Clara, CA)